KC International School

KC International School bring laurels in Olympiads - Event Gallery


The students of K C International School brought laurels in different Silver Zone Olympiads which were conducted during the academic session 2015-16. These Olympiads tested a child’s ability in competitive exams. It is an appropriate assessment of a child’s learning.

In International Talent Hunt Olympiad the students won 9 gold medals, 7 silver medals and 7 bronze medals. In Smart Kid GK Olympiad the students won 10 gold medals, 6 silver medals and 5 bronze medals. In AkhilBhartiya Hindi Olympiad the students won 8gold medals, 7 silver medals and 6bronze medals.

Overall the school won-27 gold medals, 20 silver medals and 18 bronze medals. Principal Mrs. Maya Mishra congratulated the students and wished them a stupendous success in their lives.

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  Contact Information:

K.C. International School
Akhnoor Road, Paloura,
Jammu (J&K) - 180 002

Icon Phone +91-191-2503430/ 2506230 & Fax: +91-191-2506230

E-mail  kcisvision@gmail.com



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